Your contribution to AEE Action Fund gives the advanced energy sector a voice in the political process, and helps create a cleaner, more secure energy future. AEE Action Fund is a hybrid PAC, which gives you the flexibility to contribute to both Candidate and Independent Expenditure accounts. No contributions to the AEE Action Fund are tax deductible, per Section 6113 of the Internal Revenue Code. All contributions must be from citizens of the United States. Donations from foreign agents are prohibited.
Individual Donations
Candidate account funds are used for AEE Action Fund contributions directly to the campaigns of candidates for elected office at the state level. An individual or company PAC may contribute a maximum of $5,000 per calendar year to the Candidate account.
DonatECorporate Donations
Independent Expenditure account funds are used for AEE Action Fund to conduct issue campaigns supporting candidates who are champions for advanced energy at the state level. These campaigns are not coordinated with any candidate or campaign committee. There is no limit on contributions to Independent Expenditure accounts, which may be made by individuals or by companies.